Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 17

ATTENDANCE ( continued ) 5113
Adopted : September 11 , 1979
Amended : May 9 , 1995
Effective : September 24 , 1979
Revised : May 11 , 2004
Amended : August 25 , 1981
Revised : February 22 , 2011
Amended : June 16 , 1986
Revised : October 23 , 2012
Effective : September 1 , 1986
Revised : June 14 , 2016
Amended : July 10 , 1989
Adopted : February 23 , 2021
Amended : December 11 , 1990
Revised : January 27 , 2021
TRUANCY 5113.2
Introduction and Definitions
The District ’ s policy on student truancy shall stress early prevention and inquiry leading to remediation of absences rather than imposition of punitive measures for students . Referral to legal authorities normally shall be made only when local resources are exhausted . For purposes of implementing this policy and for reporting purposes regarding truancy , the District will utilize the State Board of Education approved definitions of “ excused ,” “ unexcused ,” and “ disciplinary ” absences .
“ Truant ” shall mean a student age five to eighteen , inclusive , who has four unexcused absences in any one month , or ten unexcused absences in one school year .
“ In attendance ” shall mean a student if present at his / her assigned school , or an activity sponsored by the school ( e . g ., field trip ), for at least half of the regular school day . A student who is serving an out-of-school suspension or expulsion should always be considered absent .
“ Chronically absent child ” is an enrolled student whose total number of absences at any time during a school year is equal to or greater than ten percent of the total number of days that such student has been enrolled at such school during such school year .
“ Absence ” means an excused absence , unexcused absence , or disciplinary absence , as those terms are defined by the State Board of Education pursuant to C . G . S . 10-198b .
“ Mental health wellness day ” means a school day during which a student attends to his / her emotional and psychological well-being in lieu of attending school . Such days must be nonconsecutive .
“ District chronic absenteeism rate ” means the total number of chronically absent children in the previous school year divided by the total number of children under the jurisdiction of the Board of Education for such school year .
“ School chronic absenteeism rate ” means the total number of chronically absent children for a school in the previous school year divided by the total number of children enrolled in such school for such school year .
Remediation of Truancy
School personnel shall seek cooperation from parents or other persons having control of such child and assist them in remedying and preventing truancy . The Superintendent of Schools shall develop regulations which will detail the following school district obligations under the district ’ s truancy policy .