Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 16

ATTENDANCE ( continued ) 5113
Each attendance review team shall be responsible for reviewing the cases of truants and chronically absent children , discussing school interventions , and community referrals for such truants and chronically absent children , and making any additional recommendations for such truants and chronically absent children and their parents or guardians . Each established attendance review team shall meet at least monthly .
The District shall utilize the chronic absenteeism prevention and intervention plan developed by the State Department of Education . Such plan must include the means for collecting and analyzing data relating to student attendance , truancy , and chronic absenteeism . The data must be disaggregated by school district , school grades , and subgroups such as race , ethnicity , gender , eligibility for free and reduced priced lunches , students whose primary language is not English , and student with disabilities .
The District shall annually include information for the strategic school profile report for each school and the District that is submitted to the Commissioner of Education , data pertaining to truancy and chronically absent children .
The Principal or his / her designee of any elementary or middle school located in a town / city designated as an alliance district may refer to the children ’ s truancy clinic established by the Probate Court serving the town / city , a parent / guardian with a child defined as a truant or who is at risk of becoming a truant . ( An attendance officer or a police officer shall deliver the citation and summons and a copy of the referral to the parent / guardian ).
No school , grade , or class may be dismissed before the regularly scheduled dismissal time without the approval of the Superintendent or his / her designee .
No teacher may permit any individual student to leave school prior to the regular hour of dismissal without the permission of the Principal .
No student may be permitted to leave school at any time other than at regular dismissal without the approval of the student ’ s parent / guardian . If a court official with legal permission to take custody of a child , or if a police officer arrests a student , the parent / guardian should be notified of these situations by the administration .
Legal Reference Connecticut General Statutes 10-220 ( c ) Duties of boards of education ( as amended by PA 15-225 ) 10-184 Duties of parents ( as amended by PA 98-243 , PA 00-157 ) and PA 18-15 ) 10-185 Penalty 10-198a Policies and procedures concerning truants ( as amended by PA11-136 , An Act Concerning Minor Revisions to the Education Statutes and PA 14-198 , An Act Concerning Excused Absences from School for Children of Service Members , and PA 16-147 , An Act Concerning the Recommendations of the Juvenile Justice Policy and Oversight Committee ) 10-198b State Board of Education to define “ excused absence ,” “ unexcused absence ,” and “ disciplinary absence ” as amended by PA 2146 , Section 19 ) 10-198c Attendance review teams . 10-198d Chronic absenteeism ( as amended by PA 17-14 ) and PA 18-182 ) 45a-8c Truancy clinic . Administration . Policies and procedures . Report . ( as amended by PA 15-225 ) 10-199 through 10-202 Attendance , truancy - in general Action taken by State Board of Education on January 2 , 2008 , to define “ attendance .” Action taken by State Board of Education on June 27 , 2012 , to define “ excused ” and “ unexcused ” absences . PA 17-14 An Act Implementing the Recommendations of the Department of Education PA 21-46 An Act Concerning Social Equity and the Health , Safety and Education of Children