Elementary Student Handbook 2024-2025 | Page 19

TRUANCY ( continued ) 5113.2
Chronic Absenteeism ( continued )
The Board of Education , in compliance with statute , requires the establishment of attendance review teams when chronic absenteeism rates in the District or at individual schools in the District meet the following circumstances :
1 . A District team must be established when the District ’ s chronic absenteeism rate is 10 percent or higher . 2 . A school team must be established when the school chronic absenteeism rate is 15 percent or higher .
3 . A team for either the District or each school must be established when ( a ) more than one school in the District has a school chronic absenteeism rate of 15 percent or higher or ( b ) a District has a District chronic absenteeism rate of 10 percent or higher and one or more schools in the District have a school chronic absenteeism rate of 15 percent or higher .
The membership of attendance review teams may consist of school administrators , guidance counselors , school counselors , school social workers , teachers , chronically absent children , parents or guardians of chronically absent children , and representatives from community-based programs who address issues related to student attendance by providing programs and services to truants .
Each attendance review team shall be responsible for reviewing the cases of truants and chronically absent children , discussing school interventions and community referrals for such truants and chronically absent children and making any additional recommendations for such truants and chronically absent children and their parents or guardians . Each attendance review team shall meet at least monthly .
In the calculation of the District ’ s chronic absenteeism rate and the school chronic absenteeism rate , a student ’ s engagement , in grades 9-12 , in remote virtual learning shall be excluded if such engagement accounts for not less than one-half of the school day . In addition , the calculation of chronic absenteeism rates shall exclude absence resulting from a student taking a mental health day pursuant to P . A . 21-46 .
The District shall utilize the chronic absenteeism prevention and intervention plan developed by the State Department of Education when it becomes available . Such plan must include the means for collecting and analyzing data relating to student attendance , truancy , and chronic absenteeism . The data must be disaggregated by school district , school grades , and subgroups such as race , ethnicity , gender , eligibility for free and reduced priced lunches , students whose primary language is no English , and student with disabilities .
The District shall annually include in information for the strategic school profile report for each school and the District that submitted to the Commissioner of Education , data pertaining to truancy and chronically absent children .
The Principal or his / her designee of any elementary or middle school located in a town / city designated as an alliance district may refer to the children ’ s truancy clinic established by the Probate Court serving the town / city , a parent / guardian with a child defined as a truant , or who is at risk of becoming a truant .