Electrician Weekly June 2013 | Page 8

something!” Luke shouted.

Luke’s request was soon met when Julie smacked the alien over the head with a concrete block that had fallen from a building.

“Welcome to Earth infidel!” Luke taunted the unconscious alien.

“Luke maybe you would like to take on the others but I’d rather not!” Brad hollered as he pointed at the multiple aliens that had just landed across the street.

Julie grabbed Luke and they scrambled into the building and joined the taxi driver who hid behind the receptionist’s desk.

“This isn’t going to end well is it?” the taxi driver asked.

“Probably not, but we can’t get trapped in here we need to find a way out.” Brad gasped in between breaths.

“Lets try and find another exit.” Luke said.

Brad started to stand up when he saw a red blob come flying through the air and grab one of the fast approaching aliens. The red blob was soon followed by hammer that bashed into an alien’s skull.

“Guys,” Brad yelled, “you’ve got to see this!”

The hammer appeared to find its owner and it belonged to a man with long hair and who looked the actor Chris Hemsworth.

“It’s Thor!” Luke said in awe, “I cant believe my eyes he’s real”

“ We’re saved!” Julie shrieked, “The Avengers are here”

Captain America joined Thor and Iron Man and the aliens proved to be no match for the courageous Avengers. The three Avengers hurried away looking for more aliens to defeat and more citizens to save.

“I can’t believe it! Our lives were just saved by characters out of a comic book!” Brad gleefully exclaimed.

As they walked out of the building Julie stepped down and picked up the stone she used to smash the alien that attacked Luke.

“What do you want that for?” Luke asked.

“I’m going to keep this stone to remember this day.” Julie stated, “The day Brad finally conquered his anguish, we saved a taxi driver’s life, we beat up an alien, and then we were saved by the Avengers.”

“I don’t think you’ll need a stone to remember this day,” Brad laughed, “its been one heck of a day and to think it all started in Economics 101.”

“Yeah I just hope Professor Boring doesn’t demand the homework to be due tomorrow.” Luke joked.

“Wait! Don’t tell me have we have homework?” Brad asked “I didn’t pay attention at all in class.”

“Stinks to be you!” Julie laughed as the three walked away from the battle site.

The Avengers