Electrician Weekly June 2013 | Page 9

Michael's Restraunt

Am I the only one that feels that restaurants are beginning to care more about their decor and less about their food? This trend is deeply upsetting to me; I go to a restaurant not for my eyes but for my stomach. Sure I want the place to look clean and sanitary, but I care more about the food. This is why I love eating at the North Fayette Valley Cafeteria.

The moment you walk into the North Fayette Valley Cafeteria you are greeted first by the appealing smell that is radiating from the kitchen. The cafeteria is clean and with plenty of natural light the cafeteria has a simple, but unique look to it. If you judge a restaurant by the number of customers they are serving you’ll love the North Fayette Valley Cafeteria. The room is full of hungry souls all clamoring and waiting to be served. You might think that with so many people you might have to wait a while to be served, but this is not the case with the North Fayette Valley Cafeteria. The lunch line method they use is extremely efficient and you will not have to wait long to be served. When it is time for you to pay for your meal the price will literally knock you out of your shoes. The cost for the special of the day, drink, fruit of the day, vegetable of the day, and the unlimited salad buffet is a shockingly low $2.25.

Now your saying to yourself with so low prices the food must be fit only for a hog, but I’ll tell you right now the food is fit for a king. With the divine Mandarin Chicken, the sizzling Taco pizza, the filling Chicken Wraps, the scrumptious Rib Patty, the divine Brat, the spicy tacos, or the amazing Crispito there is no shortage of earth-shattering deliciousness.

Cleanliness is also a major positive for the North Fayette Valley Cafeteria. No sooner than you are done eating are people waiting to clean off your table. You don’t want to sit and talk to your friends on a dirty table do you? Well the North Fayette Valley Cafeteria makes sure no bacteria gets between your food and your mouth and that just isn’t something you see at every restaurant anymore.

So, the next time your hear your stomach rumble don’t even think twice about heading on over to anywhere besides the mouth-watering, lip-smacking deliciousness that the North Fayette Valley Cafeteria serves daily. There you’ll love the food and love the ultra-suave boss named Carol.

NFV's ultra suave head cook, Carol Stanbrough