Electrician Weekly June 2013 | Page 7

explosions rocked the ground below them. Brad was the first of the three to come out of the trance and he yelled at the other two, “C’mon we have to get out of here!”

The three ran past the courtyard and fled into the parking lot. With adrenaline pumping through their veins they made their way to Brad’s Mustang. Brad jumped into the driver’s seat on an impulse, but quickly came to a halt with on hand on the shifter. Brad hadn’t drove the car since it came out of the shop after the accident, Julie had done all the driving for him. Brad froze and the nightmare of his graduation night came back to him. There he was driving home from the school with his Mom and Dad along with him. They were enjoying the occasion and why wouldn’t they it is very joyous when a young adult completes his education. Brad looked away from the road to smile at his mother and when he turned his head two headlights met him. A semi had come across the centerline, Brad swerved left, and he avoided the semi himself, but because of this he sent the semi into his mother and father. They didn’t survive, but he walked out with only a bruise.

“Brad, this is not a time you are allowed to freeze up,” Julie’s voice pierced into Brad’s thoughts, “it was terrible what happened to your parents, but we’re all going to die if you don’t drive!”

Brad knew Julie was right, so he put the car into drive and slammed the pedal to the floor. Brad was filled with a unique sensation he assumed it was because of the adrenaline, but later he would come to discover that this was the feeling of how it felt to finally overcome the deep despair that he had felt since May. The Mustang was close to hitting 85 when the rolled past Central Park, when it was struck on the side by a nearby explosion. The Mustang was nearly rocked on its side and Brad fought to keep it under control and was finally able to right the Mustang, but then another explosion up ahead caused a taxi to flip and close the lane. Brad skidded to a halt just in time as his bumper scraped the tires of the flipped over taxi. Brad and Luke stumbled out of the Mustang and rushed to the taxi that had caught fire. The driver was conscious and was appeared to be fine besides the trickle of blood that was running from a cut on his forehead. The door was jammed in and the screaming driver couldn’t get out.

“Look away from the window!” Brad screamed. Brad tore off a section of his shirt and wrapped his hand with it. Brad took a step back and threw his weight and fist into the window to no avail. Brad tried a second time, and got a crack, and then with the third punch he shattered the window. Luke reached in and grabbed the driver.

“Run!” the four of them yelled as the car exploded behind them and knocked them to the ground.

“Look the aliens are headed here!” Julie screamed, “We need to keep on moving!”

Brad and Luke shouldered the taxi driver whose leg was disfigured from the accident.

“Run for the building!” Julie yelled, “We need cover!”

Julie got to the building first and turned to help Brad and Luke in when an alien appeared and tackled Luke. Luke threw the alien off of him and tried to scramble away, but the alien caught his leg and held him down while he aimed a strange looking stick that appeared to be a gun. Brad threw himself upon the alien and knocked the gun away while Luke grabbed him by the waist and together they pinned him to the ground.

“Julie, hit him over the head with