Electrician Weekly June 2013 | Page 6

Michaels Short Story

Brad Carr suddenly awoke from his sleep. He found his shirt already was soaked with sweat and it was only eight thirty in the morning. He rolled over and unplugged his phone from the wall outlet and discovered that the day would be another blistering scorcher with a high of 103 degrees Fahrenheit. Brad knew he had a class at nine fifteen but he couldn’t avert his eyes from his phone’s background that contained a picture of Brad and his parents on his graduation day. Thankfully Luke, Brad’s roommate, jumped out of his bed next to Brad’s and slapped Brad on the back gleefully shouting “Showers mine, sucker.”

“Economics 101, is the biggest waste of my time,” Brad thought as he stared at his tall, plump, and bald professor who spoke with an increasingly annoying monotone voice. The only reason why Brad had made it this far through the semester was sitting two seats ahead of him, Julie Andrews. Julie grew up in the same town as Brad and had begun to grow closer to Brad during the past few tumultuous months after the accident. Julie turned half way around and sent a wink towards Brad.

“Tell your girlfriend to stop winking at me or I’ll steal her away from you,” said Luke jokingly.

“I might be scared if you weren’t such a wuss.” Brad replied.

“Silence, in the back row please.” the professor was already stressed by this sudden heat wave and would not allow any talking in his classroom.

Soon the bell rang ending Brad’s despair. Brad and Luke walked out of the building and waited by the stairs for Julie to appear.

“Hey guys what’s up?” Julie greeted them as she poked her head out of the door.

“Too hot to do much,” Luke said, “What brought this heat wave on anyway?”

“I know it’s crazy it’s November in New York City and we’re hitting triple digits!” Brad replied.

“What’s even more insane is how all the forecasters were predicting a high of 40 degrees and this just appears out of nowhere.” Julie added.

“Don’t even bring it up Luke,” Brad said towards the sly looking Luke, “these temperatures have nothing supernatural behind them.”

“Oh come on Brad, it’s a common known fact that sudden increases in the temperature can be caused by a supernatural presence.” Luke stated.

“A fact! Please you found that in some alien magazine that you found digging through the dorm trash” Brad laughed.

“Whatever boys,” said Julie ending the conversation, “just go fetch.” she said as she threw the Frisbee.

Brad and Luke took off running at full speed. Luke was faster and started to gain on the Frisbee. Luke reached out to snatch the spiraling green Frisbee from the air when he heard a tremendous explosion and he was knocked off his feet.

“What the heck was that?” Luke yelled as he picked himself off the ground.

“That,....that.., that was that.” stammered a boy next to them as he pointed above the campus buildings.

Brad, Julie, and Luke all turned and to their horror saw a large ship above them.

“You were right Luke,” Brad said.

“Crap I am”, Luke muttered.

Chaos swept across the college campus as students rushed to escape the courtyard and to hide themselves from the alien ship that had appeared above them. More