Electrician Weekly June 2013 | Page 5

didn’t include Wapsie Valley to our satisfaction. We would have to go up on stage and then find out who won. So, during the awards ceremony they brought all four teams up on stage and announced the fourth place winner and it wasn’t us. They announced the third place winner and it wasn’t us again. It was only between Montezuma and us now for first place and then they announced the second place winner and it was us. The only word that could describe what I was feeling at that moment as I watched them pull Montezuma to the front of the stage and hand them a plaque I was dissatisfied.

At first I was extremely dissatisfied. I didn’t want second place I wanted first place and there was no second chance we had finished. But as time wore on I realized how impressive our second place finish really was. My team was the second best Conduct of Meetings team in the entire state of Iowa and that was something I could be proud of. One lesson I learned from this is that you might as well aim for the stars and even if you miss you can land on the moon, which is still pretty impressive. Another lesson is that you might as well make some friends along with your trip because you it’ll get pretty lonely on the moon if your by yourself.