Ekklesia Rising Magazine | Page 5

Think with me for a moment. Close your eyes and dream your best dream. Think about it. Meditate on it. Now... Close your eyes again and ask him to dream with you. What can God see? How big is His picture?

It may look impossible to you but through Christ all things are possible. We need to only be open to be able to receive that dream. We need to be willing to let Him work in us. But then we also must be willing to pursue it. There are all kinds of steps to take the dream and the fulfillment. We’ll talk about in the next issue. Just remember in Genesis God said, "that we are made in his likeness….. that we are made in the image of God."

Allow the Holy Spirit to help you dream again...to find the lost dream or the passion that could have reached so many but was buried under an avalanche of circumstance. He can take that seed of passion, love, and desire and help you to paint the brightest dream. The dream may be simply just for you. When you began to love and shine and laugh – it magnificently spills over to those around you and you find yourself being able to dream bigger dreams again.

Whatever the dream, whether it be a new attitude or a new center that seats the thousands; dream with God.

He is an extraordinary dreamer and He delights in you and in your dreams. Always know His love is perfect…He never fails.

Dream big beloved, God is with you and He will help you shine. He is your light right now, right where you are. Simply begin to dream again.

That's all for now. In the next issue of

Ekklesia Rising Magazine, I want to take

you through a process that I had to walk to

pursue the dream God had given to me. It

was quite a journey with numerous

victories. That’s why I know He can do it

for you.

God Bless You.

Becky Burke (Aunt Bec)

Becky Burke, known to hundreds of children as Aunt Bec, began her ministry in East Liverpool, OH with a pound of hotdogs and a can of soup. That ministry grew into a 6500 ft storehouse with semi-trucks bringing in the needed supplies for not only the children of ELO and Youngstown but also for various senior outreach activities. Because of the church in the building there were ministry activities at least 4 days a week.

She has gone on 18 mission trips including China and Israel, the Dominican, Belize, Honduras, and several trips into the central part of Mexico, to preach at ministers conferences and bible schools.

She has been honored to preach, teach, and head up teams of teenagers to go into the dumps of the nations to bring out the children and lead them to Christ. The children would then be connected to a local feeding program where they can grow in the Lord while having the basic necessities supplied.

Her spiritual gifting includes healing the sick – and has seen 5 brought from death to life – one was actually declared dead already. The anointing to preach the good news to the poor that “you don't have to be poor anymore” has been a foundation of the ministry with financial miracles and jobs being manifested when needed.