Ekklesia Rising Magazine | Page 4

First Love

Happy New Year to all you power-filled sons and daughters of the most high God. To those who have figured out the mystery and to those who are still searching…

“It is Christ in us, our hope (expectation) of glory.”

Christ in us – it’s all about Him!

As we focus on this brand-new start to not only the day but also the year, let’s try something… How about if we dream with God.

How many times have we wanted to do something for God? If you're anything like me, one idea pops up after another. Is this the right idea? Would I miss out on God's big picture if I do this thing?

Questions, so many questions that it becomes easy to not do anything. We surely don’t want to go the wrong way... But we can’t sit still. The one thing I discovered is that God really does know where I am and as I begin a journey by just taking that first step, He can and will direct my path.

It is very difficult to steer a boat that is tied to a dock and us like the boat must become free from the ropes that hold us back. We must start the process of moving forward. Dreams don't just fall into our laps, they must be pursued. As we move forward, if the dream is not of God, He is certainly big enough to let us know.

Because you see, God gives us desires. He created us to want to do different things. For some, it may be to teach and for another it may be to paint a picture. He gave each of us specific, individual talents, creative

abilities, giftings, and anointings. We are not created alike. We are unique and God is able to give each of us a dream that suits the way He created us to be. We must dream with him. He is such a big dreamer and He gets so excited when his sons and daughters think outside the box! God thinks outside the box all the time and He loves it.

In Ephesians 3 the Word says, “to him who is able to do exceeding, abundantly, above all that we can ask or think." In the Amplified it says, “ above anything we can dare ask, hope, dream, or desire”) according to the power that works in us." What? The power to have your dream fulfilled is already in a Christ-filled

believer! Wow!!!

Dreaming with God – Part 1