EFSC Foundation 2016-17 Foundation Annual Report | Page 4

GIFTS AND GROWTH TITAN FUND In an effort to create more scholarship opportunities available to our student population, the Titan Annual Fund was created to help us grow our ability to award more scholarships and support college initiatives. Titan Fund Average gift $117 with 720 total gifts thus far totaling $84,239 THIS YEAR – EIGHT NEW SCHOLARSHIPS WERE AVAILABLE TO AWARD: Air Frame and Power Plant Dare to Finish IME BECAS Perers Health Sciences Institute BIMDA Nursing Scholarship Housing Authority of Brevard County Parent’s Alliance Titan Set SAIL 6 547 students received scholarship awards totaling $549,924 YOU = TRANSFORMED LIVES – Thank you to our donors! 15 12 Total Fiscal Year Giving to the Foundation: 443 donors with 2,033 gifts for Fiscal Year 2017 - total of $517,766 7 16 25 LARGEST CORPORATE GIFT: $50,000 FROM BONIFACE HIERS 6 7 9 10 Individuals/Clubs/ Organizations $222,530.12 15 16 43 44 25 Corporations $147,275.20 29 6 7 12 Foundations 15 $84,411.63 16 Grants 25 $63,549.05 73 12 GIFTS TO THE FOUNDATION: 43 44 8 Grand Total: $517,766.00 8 9 10 6 29 15 85 25 16