EFSC Foundation 2016-17 Foundation Annual Report | Page 5

73 TOTAL RESTRICTED ENDOWED FUNDS = $11,138,631 Endowed Scholarships total restricted funds $9,749,232 85 College Program Support 6 (Simpkins 7 Series/Art) 8 $1,009,034 9 10 Endowed Faculty Chairs 16 $615,508 6 7 15 25 12 15 8 9 29 16 WHAT IS AN ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP? 43 An endowed scholarship is the donation of money to a foundation for the ongoing support 29 25 the endowed capital, and only the interest of a scholarship. The EFSC Foundation invests generated is used to issue scholarships (per the donor’s instructions). Therefore, the capital or corpus is never touched, ensuring that the donor’s gift is a permanent source of funding for ongoing scholarship support. It’s a gift that keeps on giving. 44 WOW! EMPLOYEE GIVING 44 - $12,900 84 employees giving 43 1,901 gifts Our Employees Care! FUN FACT: 73 85 73 BAS – Biomedical Sciences graduate The first EFSC Bachelor’s Degree graduate to get 85 directly into Medical School PRICE TIPPING Biomedical Sciences graduate 10