ILMS Hardware Reliability Enhacement at site
Intelligent load management system (ILMS) is a very
management system. This system had gone through
multiple logic modifications in the past but no hardware
improvements were made since commissioning. Major
hardware improvement was executed in the system
and it was moved from co-axial based communication
to Ethernet based communication which eliminated
the use of media converters. In addition to that all
server and client SCADA workstations at site were
upgraded. All these hardware changes demanded
rigorous testing of new hardware which was carried out
in close coordination of all interfaces & new architecture
was successfully commissioned in Plant-2 TA 2018.
Bassam Asghar
When the going gets tough, the tough getS going
Maintenance is the key to sustainability!
After 440 Days of longest continuous plant operation, it was
about time AMM-3 was shut down for major maintenance.
TA-2018 was unique in a way that not only was it the biggest
turnaround this plant has ever seen in terms of the job scope
that included several catalyst replacements, feed gas coil
modifications, WHB tube removal, new projects tie-ins, machines
overhauling, exchangers cleaning and scores of inspection, but
also for the fact that it had to be completed within a month in
the scorching weather of May. The Operations team came out of
the assessment with flying colors, be it the safe and timely
handover of critical equipment or the smooth start-up of the
plant in the Holy month of Ramadan. The team had exhibited
extraordinary skills right from the word go to the roaring of
syn-compressor and achieving Ammonia Production, with the
site HSE Statistics speaking volumes of the team’s commitment
Muhammad Zain Anwar