EFERT Connect 1H 2018 Magazine | Page 16

STEAMING AHEAD! Observation, questioning and investigation; a combination of these three leads to learning that is not just sustainable but also applicable to everyday life. Learning, we all know is a lifelong process and for effective learning the strategies and methodologies applied for teaching, at the early stages, must be developed and modernized accordingly. STEAM education is not just a fancy term for the latest fad in education; rather it is the need of the hour. The administration and staff of the Engro Grammar School strive diligently to ensure quality education for our students. Arranging the STEAM Open Day was one of the several important initiatives taken for the achievement of this goal. Students, under the supervision of their teachers, grouped together to create projects and displays that portrayed their understanding of many concepts from the disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics. Since the concepts were acquired through hands on learning, the students very confidently discussed their relevant topics with the inquisitive visitors. That, however, was a preliminary step. The ultimate aim was to integrate STEAM education with the syllabus in such a way that students start thinking critically. For that purpose the services of the renowned organization, Stemmers were sought and acquired. A ten day summer camp was held in school that catered to students from Kindergarten to lower secondary. Participants were given a chance to have fun with VR technology, learn the art of 3D modelling and printing and learn about drones and hovercrafts. Furthermore, they got the rare opportunity to study the construction and functioning of humanoid robots. Students got to spend 2 very fruitful hours each day to observe, question and investigate. The next session has been planned in such a way that education and learning will undergo a much needed revolution. The school’s syllabus shall be integrated with the STEAM curriculum so that Generation Z flourishing in our part of the world is adequately equipped to meet the challenges of the future. Maryam Noor Improving Synergy in Production Department “If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” Relationships are often strengthened when experiences are shared together. In order to enhance synergies amongst the team, Iftar parties were held in the production department where the entire unit along with the Production manager took a trip to the nearby cities to have iftar together. Coasters were arranged so that people could travel together which is always the most fun part of the excursion where everybody played games and shared stories. Eid shopping was also part of the agenda which lit up the faces of the shopkeepers because 10 or so individuals would walk into the store together. At the end of the trip people got off the buses with happy faces and hands full of shopping bags but most importantly fresh memories of all the fun they had with their team mates. Syed Usman Ahmed