EF Academy Torbay Impact Magazine November 2013 | Page 13
Photograph by Adrian Wisaksana
all the tax he has paid earlier, that is.) At Cancer Support comes in.
the same time, I think him, and other
people and families in his situation, are Macmillan Coffee Morning
more than relieved to have that off their
Macmillan Cancer Support is an
organisation that helps with everything
Other countries, on the other hand, concerning cancer. Either it is listening
aren’t that lucky. They have to pay, if not to a cancer patient or family members
everything, a huge part of the sum by of a cancer patient, help fund and build
themselves. A lot of people don’t have cancer health centres or raise money by
that money, and therefor can’t afford organising marathons, coffee mornings
the vital treatment. It is in cases like and sponsored events, Macmillan will be
that charity organisations like Macmillan there to help you through.
Macmillan Coffee Morning | 8