Success Stories
Interviewee: Clemens Orendt
LC Munich
EESTEC organizes more than 50 International event each year. Some
of them are workshops, in which
students can improve themselves
technically and get chances to make
contacts from big companies and exchanges, in which the cultural properties of the countries. But above of
them all there is the annual EESTEC
Congress. EESTECers wait for this
week whole year and more than 200
students from all around the Europe
get together. Organizing the EESTEC
Congress is a huge success for the
head organizer and the Organizing
Committee. In this part of success
stories, Head Organizer of EESTEC
Congress of 2013, Clemens Orendt
shared his initial steps in EESTEC, how
he sees EESTEC, and his thoughts
about success and motivation.
Can you tell us when and how did
you join EESTEC? What was your
thought at the beginning?
I joined EESTEC LC Munich in September 2009. EESTEC was introduced to us at the beginning of the
semester and they invited us over for
a meeting. So a friend of mine and me
went to the meeting and went to all if
possible. My thoughts were all about
travelling. I wanted to travel somewhere but ?rst wanted to get more
Interviewer: Magazine team
What changed in your life after being an EESTEC-er?
First of all, I had contact to more experienced students which helped me
a lot during my studies. Out of a sudden I gained a lot of skilled people/
friends around who supported my
personal ideas and development of
our LC. In addition I joined our student
guild through EESTEC. Personally I
de?nitely gained more self-esteem
and many other skills with EESTEC.
There are, as always, many. However
the most touching one was one day
before the Congress 2013 in Munich.
We had a team meeting with LC Munich and still half of the around 1000
tasks for the following week weren’t
distributed to our members. I hold a
speech, left the room for about half
an hour and when I returned, my
team managed to ?ll all empty slots. I
have never experienced such a strong
team ever.
How do you evaluate success?
Which are the moments that you
will never forget and happened
during your EESTEC duties?
Success has to be evaluated by the
goals you set beforehand. The goals
can be related to anything, personal