EESTEC Magazine Vol 33 2013/2 | Page 45

depends of the situation, but there are a couple of things that are common for every situation like that. It is always important not to panic and to “stay on the ground”. Then explore all possible options, be transparent, do not hide anything, because there might be someone who can help you to overcome it. How important is the EESTEC experience in starting a career in engineering? 40 LCs and more than 5000 EESTEC-ers all around Europe. That is why before any decision, you need to invest much more time needed for analyzing, researching etc. in this case it is about your career. I think the most important attribute is actually that you love what you are doing and success will come by itself. After that comes hard work, devotion etc. What are you up to now? I am currently doing an internship at BlackBerry. Besides that I am attending a couple more courses that are left from my Master Studies. What are your goals for the near future? My ?rst goal is to ?nish my studies, get a full-time job and settle down in one city. What do you think are the most important attributes of successful people? Can you brie?y describe a dif?cult work situation / project and how you overcame it? For me “successful people” is a wide phrase in the way that there are many aspects of being successful. I guess There were many of them for sure since I was in the Local and International Board. How to overcome challenges It is important in many ways. In EESTEC, besides improving your skills and knowledge, you learn how to “get things done” and that is an important factor when you are starting your career, because everybody will appreciate that. Your skills that you gained in EESTEC will help you adapt faster to your work environment and your contacts that you got during your “EESTEC-ing” period can and will always help you. What motivates/challenges you when you are responsible person for a task/project? The answer to this question is similar to the one about what excites you the most about being in the Board. Besides that, the challenge of “will I be able to do this” is also something that you want to see and test whether you can do it or not. The main motivation is who will bene?t from it. If there are many people happy after that and if that task/project will help them, which is for sure a huge motivation. What would be your advice for young EESTECers? I still do not feel that old :) I would advise them to enjoy as much as they can and to ?H??]]?K???????B?[?][??QT?P?X?]?]Y\?[?Y?[?\?\??[?^H[?[?\?Y[[?Y\???H??[YK??? B??