Success Stories
Interviewee: Nedim Hadži?
LC Sarajevo
Interviewer: Magazine team
From the day we join EESTEC, we
spend a great deal of time on many
projects on Local level and International level. Bringing students together
from many different European countries, it seems a huge responsibility
for us and we try to do our best with
the motivation and passion we have
for EESTEC. But there is one person
who works, thinks and spends time
on EESTEC more than everyone, the
International Board Chairman.
Nedim Hadzic, after ?nishing his duties as Chairman of EESTEC International in April 2013, and who is helping
the current Board now as an Oversight Committee member, has kindly
agreed to answer some questions for
us and share his success story.
Don’t you ever wonder how his journey in EESTEC started and came to
this point?
When and how did you start with
EESTEC? What was your motivation in the beginning?
I started with EESTEC in 2009, Congress 2009 in Belgrade and Sarajevo, as an IT Team member of LC
Sarajevo. Since I am in the Computer
Science department at the Faculty
of Electrical Engineering, IT related
things were always interesting for me
and when I heard about the opportunity to be part of the organizing team
who will host around 120 Electrical
Engineering and Computer Science
students from all over Europe, of
course I joined. As you can see my
motivation was knowledge and networking.
How did you feel when you were
elected as Chairman for 2012/2013
EESTEC International Board?
I know this is “classic” answer, but I
will still say that it is hard to describe.
It was a mixture of positive feelings. I
was leading all of EESTEC and I was
really happy about it since I had only
great memories from EESTEC and I
gained so much from EESTEC.
What was there about being in the
International Board that most excited you?
I would say the fact that you have so
many departments, teams, etc. and
you need to coordinate all of them
and make it work as a unique EESTEC family. Besides that there is also
decision making. Decisions made in
the International Board affect not just
you, but the entire EESTEC network,