EESTEC Magazine Vol 33 2013/2 | Page 43

2. Have an open mind (Try and entertain „all possible solutions“ – even if they seem ridiculous at ?rst) 3. View problems neutrally (Try not to view problems as scary things) 4. Use language that creates possibility(Lead your thinking with phrases like ‘what if…’ and ‘imagine if…’ Avoid closed, negative language such as ‘I don’t think…’ or ‘This is not right but…’) 5. Simplify things (Try simplifying your problem by generalizing it. Remove all the detail and go back to the basics) and etc. If you want to achieve your goals you will need to communicate. If you want to achieve your goals faster and more ef?ciently you need to communicate better and more ef?ciently. Ok, it’s clear that for achieving goals easier you need to have good communication skills. Many times you will use them in teams, like in EESTEC for example. Appreciating the word “team” is a good start since the difference compared to a group is big. As a team player you need to be supportive to your teammates, you need to jump in when necessary and push projects forwards. You need to be aware that team members are different personalities who are perceiving things in different ways which are maybe not same as you are doing so understanding is another crucial fact for effective team work so if you can manage to never loose some of these inputs out of sight the team work combined with your communication skill ?\?[?XYH?X??Z[??H??\??[?????X?Y]?[??[?\???[?B?? ???'[[??[???[Y\??]X[]???[?[?[Y?[??H?[???[\[??\??'HZX?Y[??[????Z[[?]]YH??\????[\??H?^H?X?Y]?H??[???[\??[\?\?K??[H??[][?X?][???]?\??[????[??[?X[\???[\?X^H\?\?K?H??[\?[?H?[??X?H?[??H?[\H?][????\^[?X\?H?Y?? X?[??]?\?[\?[????????[?B?[H[?????\????X?[Y??[H???[????[??[??\???HX?H????H??[\?]Y??\?[??]\?H[?H?YY?]?B???? Y[??K?H??? Y[??H??[??HH?\?[?H???\??X???????[????[\???[??[?H?[?;? [??]?\???H????\??X???K????\??H??][?8?$???B???[J]8?&\??X????X?[H??[??][?H?[???;? [???][???[?????\?[???H??[JB???'?H?[??????H?\???[\?]H?[YH]?[?[??[??]??X]Y[K??'H[?\?Z[??Z[??[?[\?[?[??[?H?YY?]?H[??Z[?\?]?Z[[???[?\?????[?\?[\?[??]]?\??&]YX[?]?[?H??[?Y?X?\? X??X?[ B???[?[?H?[]?HH[????\??[??]??Y\??[?[?HXZ?H[?\??????[???\[Y[?[?\?\???[?B??