EESTEC Magazine Vol 33 2013/2 | Page 21

Events’ wrap-up Text: Newsletter team Photographs: Newsletter team LC Munich - Women in Engineering 2013 23rd April - 30th April For the fourth time, LC Munich organized a “Women in Engineering” Workshop, inviting 10 girls from 10 different LCs and 10 girls from their university ,TU München. During the four-day seminar, several topics concerning the future career of female engineers were handled, such as dif?culties and obstacles in everyday life, gender equality in organizations and future career planning. Trainings on communication skills helped strengthen the students and prospective engineers’ self-esteem and participants had the opportunity to learn from the experiences of working female engineers from respectable companies during the panel “Frauenkontaktforum”. Of course, everyone enjoyed the lovely city of Munich, its culture and nightlife together with the participants of the 2013 EESTEC Congress. LC Madrid - Going Green! 5th May - 12th May Going Green: Engineer your future! was an amazing workshop full of unforgettable moments. For a whole week, Madrid had the chance to enjoy the EESTEC spirit both in and out of the classroom. On the theoretical part, a mixture of lectures and visits were arranged to cover the wide topic of “Green Technologies”. On the cultural side, the mission was letting 21 participants experience the Spanish lifestyle through their ?ve “senses”: food & drink, city rally, crazy dancing, and unique music...