foods ( high-calorie foods ) a . The person targeted for change I am the one targeted for the modification of behavior . I have a high addiction for junk foods . I can find myself visiting the fast food joints almost three times a day for the high-calorie foods such as pizza . b . The rationale for changing the behavior It is important to modify the behavior as it is detrimental to my health . I am almost obese based on the weight gained from eating the junk foods . It is important for me to maintain a healthy weight . II . Response definition The behavior I wish to change the current situation is the high addiction to junk and oily foods . I have a high craving for the junk food , and I end up eating much of the fatty foods whenever I feel the cravings . Visiting fast food stores like MacDonald ‘ s three times a day is one of the addictive behaviors . III . Response Measurement a . Observation and Collection of Data The behavior would be observed based on the number of incidences I visit fast food stores . The data would also be collected depending on the quantity of junk food I intake at any particular meal . The weight gained over a period of time would also be a way of collecting the relevant data . b . Data summary Data would be graphed and calculated depending on the amount of junk food calories and how they increase the weight . IV . Behavior change strategies a . Stimulus control strategy • Avoiding watching television programs concerning junk foods as they stimulate my cravings
• Avoiding fast food joints as they are the number one stimulators b . Reinforcement strategy
• Eating healthier foods to ensure satisfaction and lower