theoretical pieces , conceptual papers and point / counterpoint articles . The journal desires to represent the views of a wide variety of traditional disciplines , including , but not limited to political science , economics , anthropology , psychology , history , as well as interdisciplinary and applied fields such as management and organizational behavior . The journal presents an average of 12 articles in every issue , with an average article length of 13 pages . Submission Guidelines Although the journal does not indicate a standard length of articles submitted for consideration , guidelines suggest that submission files may not be larger than 10 MB and papers must include essential elements of a scholarly article : abstract , keywords , introduction , materials and methods , results , conclusions , and any artwork , tables and figures . The publisher desires that American Psychological Association ( APA ) 6th edition be used for formatting of the manuscript and references . According to Elsevier ‘ s policies and ethics regarding research data , authors are required to submit a statement of compliance with human and / or animal subjects protections board protocol as part of their submission package ( Elsevier , 2015b ). The journal does not specify a particular format to be used to submit articles , although it is required that the submission be spell-checked and grammar-checked prior to submission using a word processing software , and the full article must be presented in an editable format . Artwork should be submitted as separate files no larger than 10 MB each in EPS , PDF , TIFF or JPG format with minimum DPI criteria provided for each file type on page 9 of the Author Information Pack