In Module Five , you will submit your Java code that creates an Array of String messages . Write an application that uses an Array to store 10 messages of type String . You will store this Array with 10 messages of your choosing . For example , a message could be ― I love Java the programming language !‖ or another message could be ― I love Java the drink !‖ You may initialize your Array with the messages or have the user enter the messages . The choice is yours . Your Java code will loop through the Array to iterate through your entire list and display each message and allow the user to select one . The shoutOutCannedMessage () will return the selected message String . This milestone is graded with the Milestone Two Rubric . Feedback should be incorporated into the final project as warranted . Milestone Three : Programmer-Defined Class In Module Seven , You will create a Virtual World application as your final project . This Virtual World will have several objects including a MyClone object and another object of your choice . It would be an excellent idea to review the Final Project Guidelines at this time . For this Third Final Project Milestone , you will finish development of your MyClone class and create another class of your choice . In Module Two , you started development of the MyClone class . You will continue to develop the MyClone class by adding accessor methods , mutator methods , and an introduction () method . You will create an accessor and mutator method for each instance variable declared in the MyClone class . The