and setters ( mutators ) for all instance variables . g . You should build an additional class of your choice , which should have at least 2 private instance variables with associated getters ( accessors ) and setters ( mutators ) and 1 method your choice . Test Application : You will create one application that will test all three classes . a . Perform a unit test of the MyClone to test all getters ( accessors ) and setters ( mutators ) and method ( s ) of the class . b . Perform a unit test of the ShoutBox to test all methods of the class . c . Perform a unit test of the additional class object to test all getters ( accessors ) and setters ( mutators ) and method ( s ) of the class . In-Code Comments a . Make sure your object-oriented code is accurately documented to explain the purpose and behavior of the code . b . Articulation of comments is clear and concise for the audiences that may review it , including your instructor and individuals that may need to maintain or implement the code . Milestones Milestone One : MyClone Class In Module Two , you will submit your Java class , MyClone . You will create your initial version of the MyClone class . MyClone class should have instance variables firstName and lastName . The firstName and lastName instance variables hold a value for first and last names respectively . You will demonstrate your understanding of encapsulation using the private specifier to restrict access to your instance variables . This milestone is graded with the Milestone One Rubric . Feedback should be incorporated into the final project as warranted . Milestone Two : Message Array