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introduction () method will introduce yourself to the virtual world by displaying a greeting , your first and last name , and anything else you would want to say . You will also create another class of your choice . Your programmerdefined class should have at a minimum two instance variables and one method . The instance variables and method should be representative of the data and behavior that objects of this class will have . You will demonstrate your understanding of encapsulation by declaring the instance variables as private and by creating accessors and mutators for each instance variable . You should have at least one constructor created that initializes all instance variables . Document your code . This milestone is graded with the Milestone Three Rubric . Feedback should be incorporated into the final project as warranted . Milestone Four : ShoutBox Class With Methods In Module Eight , you will create the ShoutBox class for your Virtual World . Your ShoutBox class will have two methods : Method shoutOutCannedMessage () will return type String . The shoutOutCannedMessage will use an Array or an ArrayList to store 10 messages of type String . For those of you who are more advanced with your Java skills , you could use a HashMap for the data structure . You can load this data structure with 10 messages of your choosing . You can initialize your Array or ArrayList with the messages or have the user enter the messages . The choice is yours . The shoutOutCannedMessage () will loop through the data structure to first display