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window . Partial class diagram for the ShoutBox object : ShoutBox String shoutOutRandomMessage () String shoutOutCannedMessage () Examples of canned messages stored in the canned messages data structure ( you can store as many canned messages as you would like ): ― Hello World ‖ ― I am studying ‖ ― I am at work ‖ Example of subjects stored in the subjects data structure : ― I ‖ ― You ‖ Example of objects stored in the objects data structure : ― homework ‖ Example of verbs stored in the verbs data structure : ― studying ‖ ― eating ‖ ― sneezing ‖ Example of adjectives stored in the adjectives data structure : ― funny ‖ ― prickly ‖ ― hard ‖ ― awesome ‖ Example of adverbs stored in the adverbs data structure : ― quickly ‖ ― everywhere ‖ Specifications for Your Additional Object You will create another object of your choosing to add to your virtual world . Your object should have at a minimum two ( 2 ) instance variables and one ( 1 ) method . You will demonstrate your understanding of encapsulation by protecting your instance variables by making them private and by creating getters and