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setter methods for all instance variables . You should have at least one constructor created that initializes all instance variables . Specifications for Virtual World Application You will create a virtual world application that will test your MyClone , ShoutBox , and the object you decided to add to your virtual world . Because this is a simple prototype , you will not actually create any graphics to represent the objects in the virtual world . Any displayed information will simply be displayed in the output window . He reads red book quickly ! Submit your Java application by submitting all . java files and at least four screenshots that demonstrate you tested the application . While the listed number of instance variables and methods are the minimum number required for each class , you are free to create additional . Specifically , the following critical elements must be addressed : I . Program Functionality and Alignment a . Make sure your entire program functions correctly and that there are no exceptions or compile errors b . In writing your code , make sure that you are meeting or exceeding all of the given specifications for each class . Although you will be graded on coverage of stated requirements , you are free to use your creative touch in developing additional classes and objects with additional instance variables should you wish . II . III . IV . V . c . Create the unit test application and use it to test the functionality of each class . Submit the screenshots showing that the code was tested . Data Structure for Message Storage : Use data structures ( either Arrays , ArrayLists , or a HashMaps ) to store the message data in accordance with the