Specifications for ShoutBox The ShoutBox object will allow you to shout messages into your virtual world . Your ShoutBox will have two ways of generating messages : 1 . You can select from a list of canned messages to shout , or 2 . You can have the ShoutBox generate a random message for you . You must use data structures Array , ArrayList , or a HashMap to store the message data . Canned messages : One data structure will store the canned messages . You can load this data structure with canned messages of your choosing . The shoutOutCannedMessage () method will loop through the data structure to first display all canned messages and allow the user to select one . The shoutOutCannedMessage () will return the selected message String . This String will be displayed in the virtual world . For now , your virtual world will be the output window . Random messages : To generate random messages , you need to have a data structure that holds a list of subjects , another data structure that holds a list of objects , another that holds a list of verbs , another that holds a list of adverbs , and another that holds a list of adjectives . The lists you create can hold as many words as you would like . The shoutOutRandomMessage () method will use a random number generator that selects one word from each data structure to form a random message . Random messages will be in the following form : Subject - Verb - Adjective - Object – Adverb . The generated message String will be returned . The String will be displayed by the ShoutBox in the virtual world . For now , your virtual world will be the output