functionality Document object-oriented code with comments that articulate the purpose and behavior of code for various audiences Prompt In creating your virtual world , you will need to create a MyClone class that will represent a virtual clone , another class that will represent a ShoutBox , and another class of your choice . The class of your choice can be anything you want to exist in your virtual world ( a cat , a bird , a computer , etc .). This project is a prototype and there will not be any graphics , so you will create an application that unit tests the functionality of your three classes ( your MyClone class , your ShoutBox class , and the class of your choice ). Specifications for MyClone Feel free to add additional instance variables and behaviors , but your clone object must have instance variables firstName , lastName , and an introduction () method . The firstName and lastName instance variables will hold your first and last names . You will demonstrate your understanding of encapsulation by protecting your instance variables by making them private and by creating getters and setter methods for all instance variables . You should have at least one constructor created that initializes all instance variables . The introduction () method will introduce you to the virtual world by displaying a greeting , your full name , and anything else you would want to say . Partial class diagram for the MyClone object : MyClone -firstName -lastName introduction ()