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e ) Class names are written in UpperCamelCase . f ) Variable names are written in lowerCamelCase . g ) Constant names are in written in All Capitals . h ) Braces use K & amp ; R style . i ) Declare all instance variables private . j ) Avoids the duplication of code . 5 b ) Java style guide was not used to prepare the Java code . c ) All instance variables not declared private . d ) Duplication of code was not avoided .
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Objective Upon completion of this program , you should gain experience with the use of managing arrays inside of a class . ABETISMALCS Assessment This assignment is designated as one of the course assignments being used to assess basic programming skills for ABETISL ‗ LALCs requirements . Please see the syllabus for details . Note that in addition to the normal grading scales , each student ‗ s submission Will be judged in several aspects on a scale of & quot ; HighlyEffwtive & quot ;, ‖ Effective & quot ;, or & quot ; Ineffective & quot ; , as specified by ABETISNIAIES outcome assessment procedures . A student ' s submission that earns 70 % of the available points will count as an overall score of ‖ Effective & quot ;. Task You will write a class called