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efficiency counter left behind by the previous call to either of the above two methods . 10 points f ) The getEfficiency method does not return the efficiency counter left behind by the previous call to either of the above two methods . 0 points a ) Test cases are supplied in the form of table with columns indicating test case objective , the input values , expected output , actual output and if the test case passed or failed . a ) No test cases were provided . b ) Enough scenarios selected to 4 completely test the program . Documentation and Style guide c ) Test cases were included in the supporting word or PDF documentation . 20 points a ) Solution description document P3SolutionDescription includes all the required sections appropriate titled . 0 points a ) No solution description document is included . Source code criteria Source code criteria b ) Header comments include filename , author , date and brief purpose of the program . c ) In-line comments used to describe major functionality of the code . d ) Meaningful variable names and prompts applied .