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have the chance to go back to the system and use the module of feedback to comment on how the services were . He or she will also be in a position to range the quality of the products that have been delivered to him or her and , therefore , the management will be in a position to know where to improve and where it has done its best ( Jansen , et al . 2013 ). Client`s is always the tool to determine how the business will operate after services are offered to ensure no mistake is repeated when serving another client . 1.4 General Benefits it will provide the Organization The main aim of the proposed system is that it will help the business to capture the customer`s feedback as they offer the products and services . There will be no chances of losing the feedback as compared to when the consumers just bought the items physically and left . It provides the benefits of improving the quality of services offered to the clients ( Kelley , et al . 2012 ). With thefeedback they give , customers will be in a position to enjoy better services and products CUSTOMER SELF- SERVICE AND FEEDBACK FOR EFFECTIVE BUSINESS 5 delivered to them . The clients will be in a position also to air their views on what they would like provided to them and the issues they dislike . The business owners will also be in a position to engage the clients in a discussion on the suggestions they may have to the company . What they may want to be done and in what way regarding their satisfaction . 1.5 Audience to whom the proposal is being presented The audience of the recommendations is the Digital Electronics and Accessories Limited management who have been facing the challenge of getting feedback