News From Africa April 2014 II. Political Causes of Poverty Inequality African societies are divided into the privileged and not privileged. There is no middle class. Inequality has its root from  Cultural differences-women and children being treated as subordinates  Racial inequality- Example of this is in South African apartheid system  Social inequality- gender differences, race, ethnic groups and social class Poor Governance This results in dictators who suppress their own citizens. They corrupt their own nations: losing business confidence, declining public expenditure on basic entitlements, reducing delivery of public services, undermining rule of law and reduce their overall economic growth. Centralized Power In many African countries political power is centralized. There is uneven distribution of political power throughout the society. One political party, politician, or region is responsible for decision-making and the rest of the society have to live with the consequences. SOME AFRICAN DICTATORS Wayne State University Economics 6415 4