News From Africa April 2014 III. External Causes of Poverty War Invisible Power of Suppression The effects of war are felt in every region in African. These wars may be due to internal conflicts or external conflicts. War destroys the infrastructure of a nation, destroys lives, and slows human capital and economic development. Funds needed for development have to be used to re-built war-tuned countries. It diverts scare resources from fighting poverty to maintaining militaries. Global decisions, policies and practices also cause poverty in many African nations. Rich and powerful nations take advantage of smaller countries for political and business reasons. They sponsor wars and create chaos among the natives of naturalresource rich countries while those resources are being rack or looted. The voices of the poor are obscured from global debates making it harder to escape poverty. Even though African nations are striving toward eliminating poverty, it is still a long fight. The existence of a strong middle class accompanied by the right policies and leadership in African Countries may help reduce income inequality and thus poverty; thereby increasing economic growth Wayne State University Economics 6415 5