Ecological Health Report (2nd Annual) 2022 | Page 46



Kiawah ’ s lush natural environment is the number one reason people come here . Whether it ’ s the gorgeous beaches , healthy marshes , or native wildlife . It ’ s clear that the majority of the Kiawah community cares about the ecological health and the natural beauty that surrounds us , but they may not realize how their behaviors impact it . The Kiawah Conservancy ’ s RSVP Kiawah Initiative was created to energize the Kiawah community and promote positive human behaviors to preserve our island for our children , grandchildren , and great grandchildren . Together , we can help provide suitable habitat for wildlife and protect the ecological health of the island .
• Respect Kiawah ’ s wildlife
• Support ecological health
• Volunteer in environmental efforts
• Protect and restore native habitat
Ashley Dudeck Sue Corcoran