Ecological Health Report (2nd Annual) 2022 | Page 47

What Does RSVP Mean ?
Respect Wildlife - Respecting wildlife means doing what we can to not disrupt their natural feeding , nesting , or resting behaviors . After all , they ’ re living beings just like you and I and deserve respect ! You can help by taking measures to not disturb and keep a safe distance from local wildlife , turning lights off on the beach for sea turtles , and cleaning up after enjoying the beach .
Support Ecological Health - The best way to help support ecological health is to stay educated on local environmental issues . Both our environment and our understanding of it is constantly changing . Staying up to date on these changes allow us to better support ecological health ! The best way to show support is to attend local educational events , talk with local wildlife volunteers , visit the Kiawah Conservancy ’ s website ( www . kiawahconservancy . org ), and support the Conservancy through a financial gift .
Volunteer in Environmental Efforts - There are a myriad of ways one can volunteer in environmental efforts . You can pick up litter , help educate others on environmental issues , or participate in volunteer programs with the Kiawah Conservancy or the Town of Kiawah Island .
Protect Native Habitat - Protecting native habitat means helping keep Kiawah ’ s environment as natural and undisturbed as possible . A simple way to protect critical native habitat areas is to always stay on the trails and boardwalks . Additionally , you can help protect and enhance habitat by using wildlife friendly landscaping practices outlined by our Naturally Kiawah Habitat Recognition Program and use wildlife-friendly methods for controlling pests . As an accredited land trust dedicated to protecting wildlife , you can also donate land to the Kiawah Conservancy to ensure natural habitat will be preserved in perpetuity .
Looking to learn more about how you can Respect , Support , Volunteer and Protect ? Check out the RSVP video playlist on our YouTube channel where we talk about ways you can help local wildlife ! You can even subscribe to the channel to receive new videos as soon as they are posted .
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