DyNAMC Issue 10 November 2015 Preview | Page 8

President’ Perspective Diversity: Comfortable Silence or Uncomfortable Truth? During President Obama’s moving eulogy for the Rev. Clementa Pinckney, one of nine black people killed in a South Carolina church in June, he implored Americans to confront the “uncomfortable truths” of racial prejudices still lurking in society. These lingering attitudes, sometimes as subtle as a whisper, and at other times as loud as a gunshot, present a feeling of powerlessness that minorities can appreciate. The sense that nothing can be done leads one to suffer in silence, but it is not a comfortable silence by any means. At DyNAMC Magazine, we work to break the silence and deal with the uncomfortable truth. We illustrate both the realities of discrimination and the strides that are being made to eliminate them. We profile diversity by looking at all types of discrimination; including age, disability, ethnicity, gender, national origin, race, religion, and sexual orientation of society. DyNAMC seeks to find the common ground that allows for diversity and inclusion. Founder Aldrica Lattimore In this issue, dedicated to diversity, we cast a very wide net over diversity and inclusion. The featured articles focus on individuals who have experienced discrimination, have fought against it and who are embracing diversity and inclusion in various aspects of life. History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the As you turn the pages of the November issue, appalling silence of the good people.” you will see the faces of diversity at its best. - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The November issue brings to a close our coverage of this year’s diversity issues on “Law - Justice for All or for Some?”, “Policy - Is It a Black and White Issue?”, “Men of Excellence – Silhouette vs. Substance,” and finally, in this issue, “Diversity - Comfortable Silence or Uncomfortable Truth?” DyNAMC • ISSUE 10 8 While each issue of DyNAMC focuses on a theme related to diversity, the overall theme is the same: What are the ongoing struggles and triumphs related to diversity in society today? What strides are we making? Are we headed toward a world of unity and harmony? Is that possible? At a time when southern black churches are under attack, Pastor Dallas Wilson shares with DyNAMC that he teaches his parishioners at Center of Hope Ministries in Atlanta to love everyone; and that’s what churches should be filled with: Love. It should come as no surprise that Pastor Wilson is DyNAMC magazine’s winner in our “Kiss Me, I Love Diversity” photo contest. Filmmaker Cassidy McMillan lends her voice to the issues of teenage bullying and suicide, while encouraging others to take action against this “silent epidemic”, and Diversity Officer Douglas Phason is an expert at interpreting supplier diversity data reports generated by Fortune companies and shares