Driving Instructors Branch of Unite the Union Special Edition | Page 12

ADI; don’t put yourself down it was better than that, tell me what you feel went wrong to say it was a 3.

S; I did not know which lane to be in at the roundabout, erm I didn’t have a clue what the speed limit was and I thought the car had stalled at the lights.

ADI; would you say that was different from your usual competent driving.

S; dead right.

ADI; in what way

S; I couldn’t concentrate on what I was doing.

ADI; what prevented you from concentrating.

S; the rapping on my cd,

ADI; what do you mean

S; I was trying to rap along with the song.

ADI; so on the approach to the first roundabout what options did you have to stop yourself asking about being in the correct lane.

S; I suppose I could have approached slower or turned off the cd.

And there the conversation stops.

Now for some questions; What skills do you feel the ADI has demonstrated?

Would you agree with the ADIs methods?

Has the ADI got Shaun to think about how music can influence his drive to such an extent it could become dangerous in the future?

This just one example of how scaling can be used. Try using it after a 10 minute drive, pull the pupil over to the side of the road and ask them how they think the last 10 minutes went. Ask them to scale themself, after they give you a figure ask them how they could have driven the same section and score higher. Never be negative even if you think they have scored themself to high.

Mind Mapping

What is mind mapping? Again this is another tool that can be used.

The following is a basic mind map for a turn in the road.