Driving Instructors Branch of Unite the Union April 2014 | Page 11

Item 2. As this is being written we has had the Registrars response on gradings, see page 4. There was talk about Role Play being missing from the invitation to the new Standards Check. It had been noted that DVSA officials going round the country were giving out misleading information.

Separately, Dib-Unite had written to the registrar and received the following reply;

“My email had been in response to your request and a decision had not been promulgated within DVSA. I can now confirm that the role play option will not be removed from regulations until October 2014. As I said, I want to work with you and the other associations so that ADIs start to appreciate the benefit of bringing a live pupil to the new standards check. Therefore, the invite doesn’t make specific reference to role play and we ask the ADI to let us know in advance if they do not have a live pupil at the date/time of the check.”

The registrar has been asked to make sure this information is passed on at meetings and he has agreed.

Item 3, Fit and Proper is the term used by the Registrar to determine whether or not an individual is allowed on the register. So what is the definition?

The Registrar has been asked by the National Association for a definition. Dib-Unite wrote recently and Mark Magee replied;

“I have an initial draft of further guidance on ‘Fit and Proper’ on my desk.

Publication of this would be in line with a new Regulators’ Code (I’m about to write to the consultative groups about this).

However, the draft needs further work, and may also need to be run past our lawyers,”

Item 4, Big Idea; this item was as a direct result of the DVSA asking the National Association to come up with a big idea for change within the profession. Whilst considering this the group should be mindful not to suggest something DVSA were considering anyway.

There was discussion on many topics; nothing was decided and many items needed further research and investigation.

Item 5. B+E update; a paper has been wrote by members of the NASG. Further correspondence had been received and is currently being incorporated into the paper. The updated paper will be distributed before forwarded to the