Driving Instructors Branch of Unite the Union April 2014 | Page 12


Item 6, Standard Check written reports; It’s noted that the only record of your Standard Check will be the form SC1 you receive. Whilst the NASG noted there is no appeal against the decision on a Standards Check (You can only appeal against the way it was conducted) it would help those who fail to meet the standard, if there was a more in depth report. One person commented that when doing Standards Check training it would help the trainer. The issue was to be taken up with the Registrar.

Item 7, Abolishing the counterpart of Driving Licence; concerns were expressed that ADI would be unable to visually check a pupils entitlement to drive without contacting DVLA by either a premium phone number or an expensive email/fax service. A member of the NASG would take this up with both the Association of British Insurers (ABI) and the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO)

Editors comment. Dib-Unite have in the past been in contact with both the ABI and ACPO. The ABI stated quite clearly that an ADI was as the supervising driver ultimately responsible for making sure the learner had entitlement. The ACPO were asked about possibly having a disclaimer similar to what a candidate signs before their test. The ACPO ruled this out. Dib-Unite wrote to the Secretary of State for Transport in 2012 and were assured there would be a full public consultation on this matter. The editor has written privately via their own MP asking why no consultation.

Item 8, Report from SEN practical test representatives (if available). The original date for the meeting was 24 Feb 2014, this was cancelled and a new date of 17th March has been set up. Because the meeting had not taken place there was nothing to discuss other than expenses for attendees.

It was agreed that each association would put a fixed sum into a central fund to pay attendees for meeting on behalf of the NASG.

Item 9, AOB

What has or is happening to the post of Test Centre Manager (TCM)? The question has been put to DVSA and the answer was that the post of TCM didn’t have a proper pay grade and as such the post was being phased out with the sector manage taking over surgery’s at TC’s.