Driving Instructors Branch of Unite the Union April 2014 | Page 10

National Association Steering Group meeting 7th March 2014

All National Associations were represented either in person or for one association that couldn’t attend they used video conference facilities.

The agenda running order was amended and was as follows;

1.Future of NASG, including working together.

2.Standards Check response to ADI Registrar and his reply

3.Fit and Proper

4.Big idea?

5.B+E update

6.Standards Check written reports

7.Abolishing paper part of driving licence

8.Report from SEN practical test representatives (if available)

9.Any Other Business (AOB)

Item 1. This was full and frank discussion relating to DIB-Unites reporting on the previous teleconference. Whilst Dib-Unite accept that their coverage of the teleconference may have caused concerns.

Editors comment; The fact that our newsletter reaches a wide ADI audience and some others do not, may have caused the NASG to overlook others comments.

One association wrote the following;

“That they had worked with other representatives on the MDT group, and that some organisations were clear fluid thinkers and some were not, and some were obstructive… some were ill prepared… and some had strong opinions based on little information.”

Chatham House Rule was discussed again; there was agreement that CHR could be used under certain circumstances but whole meeting should not be held under CHR. This decision was surprisingly unanimous.

The rest of the discussion on this item was a matter for those attending and it centred round trust between the associations.

The outcome was that the NASG will continue, a line is to be drawn under what has gone before.