afé Americano is an American take on
the Italian espresso, wherein the coffee is
prepared by adding hot water to the espresso,
giving it a similar flavour but different strength
from a usual espresso which is stronger in taste.
The drink consists of a single or double-shot
of espresso and combined with 30–470 ml
of hot water as preferred by the consumer.
The strength of an Americano varies with the
number of shots of espresso added.
cappucino is one of the most popular
forms of coffee due to it being a
perfect balance for the coffee lover who
wants a strong flavour of coffee yet is not
able to yet break their commitment with
milk (I’m talking about myself actually).
It is really a drink that originated in
Italy, and is an espresso-based blend,
traditionally made with steamed milk
foam or microfoam.
Variations of the drink involve the use
of cream instead of milk, and flavoring
with cinnamon or chocolate powder. It
is typically smaller in volume than a caffè
latte, with a thicker layer of microfoam.
flat white is a type of coffee that consists of
espresso with micro foam with a glossy look and
feel. A drink like a latte but smaller in size and with
less micro foam, therefore having a higher proportion
of coffee to milk, and milk that is more velvety in
consistency – allowing the espresso to dominate the
flavour, while being supported by the milk.
Drink Asia
September-October 2019