Drink Asia September - October 2019 | Page 32

Drink Wrap QUICK CRASH COURSE ON THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF COFFEE THAT I LEARNT AT A QUAINT SINGAPOREAN-FRENCH CAFE By : NEDABIA AHILYA BATRA - EDITOR DRINK ASIA C an someone please tell me, who doesn’t love a good coffee? I’m a staunch believer of a world where coffee is the answer for everything. Are you sad? Coffee. Elated? Coffee. Good interview? Coffee. Didn’t make it? That’s okay, have a nice cuppa just the way you like it and feel comforted. Bored? Coffee. Happy? Coffee. Sad? Coffee. Everything = Coffee! So I’ve been thinking about our dear readers, and to take them into a short introduction about our favourite beverage. All this while I’d been crushing on a good ol’ cup of cappuccino, oblivious to the fact that coffees other than that co-exist in this world and that’s when I discovered a salted caramel mocha on a recent “expedition” or so I’d like to call it, to Singapore! In a tiny but beautiful, Singaporean-take-on-a-French-Bakery, the Tiong Bahru Bakery. And oh are they acing it at the coffee game? And how! After sending my compliments to the Barista, for the phenomenal cuppa, I was able to chat with him and learn about many different kinds of coffee and here goes the little information I gathered on coffee from all over the world. Here I’ve talked about a few different types. Take your pick and enjoy discovering new tastes, smells and even textures of coffee! ESPRESSO 1 T he most basic type of coffee, an “Espresso” is brewed by boiling water and steam with coffee at about 86 to 95°C under pressure thoroughly fine-ground and compact coffee. It’s the strongest and most basic form of coffee, though its tastes can differ depending on the blend being used. LATTE 2 Drink Asia 32 C afé Latte also known as Café au latte in some regions of Europe plainly means milk coffee. It is a combination of espresso and steamed milk. Its variants often included chocolate flavours and mochas, etc and it’s lighter than the cappuccino. September-October 2019