Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 67

The highlight reel of Donald Marshall as a REM driven clone
DM: There are currently, clusters of people worldwide, who now know about the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture, so that is positive. These days when the Illuminati activate me as a REM driven clone version of myself at the cloning center, through the process of consciousness transfer, the Illuminati REM driven clones try and negotiate with me( as REM driven clone versions of ourselves); the Illuminati REM driven clones ask me to sugar-coat the exposure of their REM driven human cloning subculture, and in return the Illuminati promises to show the world, publicly, the best video highlights of me as a REM driven clone at the cloning center, and promise me that I will become rich, famous and loved by the public. However, if I continue to tell the world the truth about the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture, the Illuminati will choose to show the world selected edited video footage, of me as a REM driven clone version of myself at the cloning center doing disgusting things, and saying and doing terrible things, in order for the world to hate me as much as the Illuminati members, when in reality, as a REM driven clone version of myself, I was under MK Ultra technology( mind control technology) as a REM driven clone version of myself, and it was a third party who was controlling my REM driven clone, and making me do and say disgusting things via the use of MK Ultra technology on my REM driven clone. REM driven clones are very susceptible( easily influenced) by MK Ultra technology, and there is no force of will which can prevent a REM driven clone, acting against their mind control programming run by a third person, when a person is activated as a REM driven clone version and under MK Ultra( mind control) technology.
The Illuminati’ s back-up plan is to show the world highlighted video footage of me as a REM driven clone, saying and doing disgusting things, in an attempt to make world hate me, as much as the Illuminati, and drag me down with the Illuminati members. As a REM driven clone version of myself, unwillingly activated via the process of consciousness transfer at the cloning center, I told the Illuminati REM driven clones“ Show the world whatever you want, people will know exactly what is going on!” When I said the above as a REM driven clone version of myself, the Illuminati members as REM driven clone versions of themselves, agreed with me and then they begged me to sugar-coat events regarding their REM driven human cloning subculture to the world.
People of the world are going to freak out [ lose control of their minds ] when the exposure of the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture reaches its culmination point, and it is widely and publicly know [ because this situation is one of the most deplorable things to happen in human history, and when the public witnesses all the appalling things the Illuminati have done with the use of REM driven cloning technology, well... for now, it is best to say: we will worry about that possible future outcome when we get to it ]. Once the world learns about the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture and the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture is widely and publicly known, the world will NOT end. This situation is easily fixed once the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture is worldly and publicly know: the world will have to replace a few government officials( individuals complicit in the REM driven cloning subculture); shutdown a few monarchies and bulldoze every cloning station and ban the science and practice of human cloning and REM driven human cloning.
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