Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 66

How people( generally) react in crisis situations
DM: Although, it is imperative that we must inform as much of the public as possible in order to reach a stage where we are close to realising the shutdown of the cloning centers, it is also imperative to keep the following in mind: in crisis situations, psychologically speaking, only 1-3 percent of people will feel compelled to do the right thing etc. in the face of adversity( TED 2008). Therefore, do not become too discouraged if, initially the message you have to convey to your friends and family regarding the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture is met with indifference, silence, fear, disagreement, apathy etc... This is a crisis situation, and as such, you should expect approximately 1 to 3 people out of every 100 people, to feel the weight of the situation such as you do, and feel legitimately compelled to help rectify the problem straight away. With the above in mind, there is another 1-3 percent of individuals on the opposite tail end of the spectrum, who, when witnessing crisis situations etc. will want to exacerbate [ make worse or intensify ] and join in on the adverse situation( TED 2008) [ just like the example of Lenny Bloom and Jane Steele, who sided with the Illuminati, when the duo realised the Illuminati really exists( Marshall 2016a, pp. 41- 46)].
Moreover, in terms of exposing the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture, we have witnessed examples where people have written in, after realising the“ Illuminati” is indeed real, requesting to be a part of the Illuminati and“ They would do anything if the Illuminati can make them rich”. The point being made here is that: there are also a small percentage of people in crisis situations who CHOOSE to worsen the situation( TED 2008). The majority of population 97- 99 % will choose to sit back, observe or avoid the situation, and in a situation such as this: although many people know the truth regarding the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture, there will be a large percentage of the population which initially partakes in a phenomenon known as“ The Bystander Effect” or“ Bystander apathy” [ which is a social phenomenon that refers to cases in which individuals do not offer any means of help to a victim when other people are present ]( Brandon Gaille 2014), and will only join this cause and actively help to expose the Illuminati’ s REM driven cloning subculture, when our numbers have increased significantly; or, it becomes‘ socially acceptable’ to be a part of this cause.
Therefore, if you are currently a person who is in the category of 1-3 % of people who feel COMPELLED to correct wrongs, and rectify( put right) crisis situations, then the best thing to do is to continue informing as many people as you can, regarding the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture, with the aim of reaching others who also fall into the 1-3 % of people who feel compelled to act immediately when they see or hear of a crisis situation. Do not feel too discouraged by the initial low turnout willing to actively help end the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture, initially, because when it is more socially acceptable and most evident for those who have their reservations, the people who sat back and watched the drama unfold, will also join our cause to help expose and end the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture!
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