May 21 st 2012
“ Secrets Revealed”; Phase One; Crisis Situations; Highlight Reel; & Human Clones
“ Secrets revealed” according to Web Bot Computer Program
3SG1: According to“ Web Bot”( Web Bot Forum c. 2012) [ which is an“ internet bot” computer program whose developers, Clif High, and George Ure, claim the software is able to predict future events by tracking key words entered on the internet ], the month of June is a really big month in regards to having huge subsets of words which have been tracked and recorded such as“ The beast will rot from the inside”; Clif High calls the Illuminati the“ entrenched elite”, because they are. Clif High has a report which he will soon be releasing. My point is: I believe June [ 2012 ] will be a huge month for you, Donald. The theme highlighted by the creators of“ Web Bot” for June [ 2012 ] is“ Secrets Revealed”.
DM: Well as long as people do not rise up with torches and pitchforks and march on Stephen Harper’ s house and demand to know the exact location of where this above gro und cloning center is in Canada... Err... wait a minute... That would be a great thing to happen if people do in fact rise up by next month and march on Stephen Harper’ s house and do demand to know the exact location of where the above ground cloning center in Canada is! * Smiling *.
The importance of“ Phase One” with regards to exposing the Illuminati
DM: We are currently in Phase One in regards to exposing the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture. Phase One involves gathering as many eyes and ears possible, in order to increase our numbers and reach the point where we do have a large parentage of the public informed about the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture, and disgusted by the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture, to the point where a large percentage of the public will actively demand and protest the shutdown of the cloning centers, publicly. There is strength in numbers, and we need a large percentage of the public, before we will gain an advantage, otherwise, without the strength of the populace, and public support we simply will not achieve the closure of the human cloning centers in our lifetime; this situation really is this serious. This is why it is important to inform as many people as possible and gather as many eyes and ears as possible, in order to increase our numbers and reach a stage where there is a large percentage of the public who are informed and actively support the shutdown of the cloning centers.
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