Donald Marshall. Illuminati Exposed. 6 | Page 64

May 21 st 2012 Celebrities are reading every single post on Donald Marshall’ s Facebook wall
3SG1: Donald, so all these celebrities [ politicians, royalty and others etc.] are reading everything on your Facebook wall?
DM: Yes. They are all reading my Facebook wall like a Soap Opera. As REM driven clone versions of themselves at the cloning center, the celebrities, politicians, royalties etc. have called the disclosure of the Illuminati’ s REM driven cloning subculture as:“ Front row seats to the end of the world”. However, the world will not end once the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture is fully exposed and worldly known though... What needs to happen is that once the Illuminati are fully exposed and their REM driven cloning subculture is worldly known: some government heads will have to be replaced; some monarchies in the world will have to be ended; and there must be a shutdown of ALL the cloning stations worldwide, as well as, a complete ban on the science and practice of REM driven cloning, as well as an end to any form of human cloning.
As REM driven clone versions of themselves, the Illuminati have been showing me on a big screen at the cloning center what is likely to happen with the decisions I undertake, when I am unwillingly activated as a REM driven clone version of myself at the cloning center; do this and this will happen( they tell me); tell the world about this and this will happen. As REM driven clone versions of ourselves, the Illuminati have been schooling me on what to say and when to say it... I know how I must disclose the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture... and it must happen in Four Phases... so that the world will keep spinning, nuclear war does not happen; and anarchy and chaos does not happen on the streets...
The celebrities, politicians, royalty and others are all following my lead, as REM driven clone versions of themselves from the cloning center now... these celebrities, politicians, royalty and others will beg for mercy from the angry populace when the time comes and the Illuminati’ s REM driven human cloning subculture is fully exposed, and worldly known. Stay tuned... anything can happen now. This really is one of the most critical times in earth’ s history, at this very moment. It is“ heavy” [ profound and serious ]. May 23, 2012 at 3:56am
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