Individuals hindering Donald Marshall ’ s Mission May 20 th 2012 Trolls ; Government agents ; Cointelpro ; and disinformation agents
3SG1 posted the following video ( below ) regarding agents of disinformation who have the role of suppression information ( HEREclickPlease 2011 ). 3SG1 : Reading through some of today ’ s posts it is obvious THEY [ the Illuminati ] have their troops of trolls [ government agents ] in an attempt to discredit [ Donald ] Marshall . ME THINKS THEY [ agents of the Illuminati ] DOTH PROTEST TOO MUCH ... to be genuine ... If your [ Donald Marshall ’ s ] claims were as ridiculous as they [ government agents ] made out ; they surely would not deem it so necessary to invest so much continued time and energy on ridiculous claims , and with their [ government agents ] continued investments and energies , it appears an ever more obvious and desperate attempt to debunk your [ Donald Marshall ’ s ] claims .... Stay strong , Donald * smiling *
DM : I will ... While in the public gardens , a friend and I had to check under this bridge for trolls ... ( Billy goats gruff ) (( Fable )) * Laughter * May 20 , 2012 at 10:00pm
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