Illuminati Symbolism May 23 rd 2012 Collage : German Chancellor Angela Merkel makes downward pyramid with hands
3SG1 posted the following collage of German Chancellor Angela Merkel ( below ) in regards to the many occurrences which Angela Merkel has held her hands together to form an upside pyramid which is synonymous of the pyramid symbolism used by the Illuminati .
DM : Yes , German Chancellor Angela Merkel occasionally makes the triangle symbol with her hands , which is synonymous to the Illuminati pyramid symbolism . German Chancellor Angela Merkel attends the cloning center as a REM driven clone version of herself , too . Angel Merkel and I have ‘ interacted ’ many times as REM driven clone duplicate versions of ourselves at the cloning center . ‘ Interacted ’ hmm , yes we ’ ll use that word ... * laughter and grimacing in disgust *. May 24 , 2012 at 10:41pm
[ In actuality , not only did Donald Marshall interact conversationally with German Chancellor Angela Merkel as REM driven clone versions , they had REM driven clone sex , and it is mostly likely Donald Marshall was forced into such positions with Angela Merkel ( as REM driven clone versions ) by the Illuminati REM driven clones and this why Donald Marshall insists on using the word ‘ interacted ’ and why he laughed and grimaced in disgust ].
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