The Purpose of this Document
[ Although the topic of aliens , and outer-space aliens , has been briefly discussed here in this document , the purpose of this document is to primarily focus on Donald Marshall ’ s disclosures of the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture at 2012 , from the perspective of Donald Marshall ’ s REM driven human cloning experiences in 2012 . Topics such as grey aliens , aliens , outer-space aliens and more will be covered in upcoming documents and presented as , how and when Donald Marshall disclosed such information , as a result of his experiences as an unwillingly participant trapped in the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture . The reader is more than welcome to read Donald Marshall ’ s Proboards Forum or seek Donald Marshall ’ s Facebook Timeline in order to learn more in regards to the information aliens and outer-space aliens .]
Donald Marshall ’ s current views on the Illuminati has changed since 2012
[ Furthermore , this information is included here , to lessen the shock once people who are unaware of such a reality , learn that there are indeed outer-space aliens present on this earth ; the disclosure of aliens and outer-space aliens will be detailed fully in later documents . This information is also included here because Donald Marshall ’ s experiences , and views in 2016 in regards to the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , is different from the experiences and views of Donald Marshall in 2012 , which is based on the knowledge and firsthand experiences Donald Marshall has gained through being an unwilling participant activated as a REM driven clone version of himself by the Illuminati .
Moreover , this information adds to and corroborates others who have spent considerable time researching the concept and possibility of aliens and further demonstrates , it is in fact reality that there are aliens , and these aliens are with us right now on earth , and living beneath our very feet . The reality of aliens amongst us is confirmed because Donald Marshall has met these aliens , and outer-space aliens , firsthand , as a REM driven clone version of himself at the cloning center ( s ).]
The authenticity of aliens being part of humanity ’ s reality
[ Furthermore , because Donald Marshall is very sceptical , about many aspects in regards to the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , whereby as a result , Donald Marshall only discloses information he is certain of , for Donald Marshall to revise his statements concerning the Illuminati ’ s REM driven human cloning subculture , and say that he was wrong , and yes there are grey aliens , and outer-space aliens , lends to the authenticity of aliens , and outer-space aliens being part of humanity ’ s reality and here among us on earth , because Donald Marshall only ever discloses information he is absolutely certain of , which he has experienced firsthand , through the process of consciousness transfer from his original body to his REM driven clone , whereby Donald Marshall is still experiencing life on the same earth , only this time as a REM driven clone , while his original body sleeps . Donald Marshall is experiencing the same earth when he is activated as a REM driven clone version of himself , and because of this factor , Donald Marshall has met aliens , and outer-space aliens here on earth ( as a REM driven clone version of himself ), and he retains these memories , CLEAR as daylight ].
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